Speech Language Assessment, Intervention & Therapeutic Support
Empowering all Communicators
Assessment & Evaluation
Assessment and intervention planning are implemented through a neurodivergent lens, one that celebrates all brains, ways of thinking and communicating, while also finding areas which if supported can co-create meaningful connections and effective exchange for all learners across social settings​
Screening & Assessment of
Social Communication (including social emotional learning and it's connection to social exchange)
Speech Motor Praxis, & Fluency
Foundations for Language Learning (i.e., reading, writing & spelling)
Speech and Language Therapy
We offer individualized intervention targeting:
Social Cognition
Social Skills
Social Emotional Regulation
Effective Communication
Interpersonal Negotiation
Pre-verbal language skills, such as: joint attention, intentional communication, symbolic & play development
Receptive (understanding) & expressive (output) language
Use and understanding of para-verbal & non-verbal communication
Oral & Written Language
Phonemic Awareness
Phonological Processing
Approaches & Practice Snapshot
Neurodiversity- Affirming Practices
Social Emotional Regulation (Self & Co-Regulation)
Creating Joint Action Routines & Mutual Engagement
Social Cognition Interventions
Social Thinking (TM)
Social Stories (TM), Social Scripts
Comic Strip Conversation/Cartooning
Hanen: It Takes Two to Talk, More Than Words, Talkability
Peer Mediated Instruction & Intervention 
Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports
Service Delivery:
Individual/Group therapy
Parent Training
Professional Development
School Based Consultation
Home/Community- Based Consultation
Educational or Vocational Support
Parent Training
We offer individualized consultation and parent training to empower you with skills and strategies that create a facilitative environment for your child's use of effective communication. Sessions and programming are tailored to your family's needs, goals, and priorities and are individualized based upon best practices, your child's expression of authentic self, as well as your family's values.
Professional Development Opportunities
Professional learning opportunities & speaking engagements can be tailored to your district, community, or organizations' needs​
Effective Communication: Empowering the Exchange of Oral and Written Language
The Social Tango: Effective Communication for our Diverse World
Early Speech & Language Development
Integrating Supports for Language & Social communication into Place-Based Learning
Language Learning Disabilities
Pivotal & Foundational skills for Social Communication
Play: Stimulating Wonder, Curiosity & Awe
Play: The Environment for Social Connections & Learning
Peer Mediated Interventions and Instruction
Language & Social Emotional Learning
FACE Communication: Communicating in the Era of Facial Coverings
Creating Meaningful Experiences for Neurodivergent Learners
'Behavior' Isn't a Bad Word....But it is Communication: Collaboration between BCBAs & SLPs